Latest "incremental steps toward reaching goals" Posts

Make the Best of Every Situation

Joel Brookman

I have found that the difference between happy people and miserable people has little to do with what they have, or even how they were raised. It has much more to do with how they react and deal with events that happen around them. Happy people have the ability to make the best of every situation. There are several ways to do this:

  1. Remove judgment—I remember hearing a story of a man with three young children on a train. The children were running around screaming and bothering other passengers. The father was doing nothing. After 10 minutes of the children’s antics, a passenger began to lecture the father on his lack of discipline.

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Posted by Joel Brookman in accept what is, attitude, feelings, feelings are the best gage, happiness, incremental steps toward reaching goals, incremental wins, judgement, Positive Attitude, Positivity, Surrender.

#149 Setbacks

We all have setbacks on the way to reaching our goals. The question is how do you deal with them?…

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Posted by Joel Brookman in accept what is, Adjust your mindset, Can't see the whole picture, incremental steps toward reaching goals, incremental wins, Podcasts, setbacks.

#148 Rewards

We spoke about celebrating your wins. Part of the celebration is ensuring that you have rewards for yourself. Rewards help you stay on your desired path.…

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Posted by Joel Brookman in celebrate your success, Enjoy your accomplishments, Goal setting, Gratitude, incremental steps toward reaching goals, incremental wins, Podcasts, success.

#147 Celebrate Incremental Wins

90SecondNavigator-AlbumArt If you celebrate incremental wins it motivates you to stay on a path toward achieving your larger goals.…

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Posted by Joel Brookman in celebrate your success, Enjoy your accomplishments, Goal setting, Increase your productivity, incremental steps toward reaching goals, incremental wins, Podcasts, productivity, success.

#146 Celebrate Your Success

It’s important to have goals. If you want to increase the chance the chance of reaching those goals be sure to celebrate your success along the way.…

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Posted by Joel Brookman in celebrate your success, Enjoy your accomplishments, Gratitude, incremental steps toward reaching goals, incremental wins, Podcasts, success.

Define Success for You

Many people get caught pursuing what society deems as success. If you don’t take the time to figure out your own vision of success your ego will do it for you. This inevitably leads to trying to please or impress others: co-workers, parents, significant others, even strangers. It’s important to define success for you.

In the corporate world, people measure success by how well someone climbs the ladder. With each step up comes additional responsibility. While this responsibility sounds great on paper, the reality can be quite different. Let’s look at the successful corporate business person that has risen to a position of managing large groups of people.…

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Posted by Joel Brookman in Enjoy your accomplishments, happiness, incremental steps toward reaching goals, success, Uncategorized.
