Latest "give of yourself" Posts

#1148 Let Go of Your Stuff and Watch What Shows Up in Your Life

In western society we seem to get overly attached to our stuff. The most abundant people I know are those who are not attached to stuff. They’re the people that pick up the tab at dinner, freely relinquish their belongings, and give with no hesitation. What happens when we free ourselves of our stuff? Let go of your stuff and watch what shows up in your life.

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Posted by Joel Brookman in give of yourself, Law of Reciprocity, Podcasts, podcasts.

#1135 Making a Profound Difference on the Life of Another

As we look at drivers of happiness, making a profound difference in the life of another is very high up on the list. Think about those people that helped shape your life in a positive way. Now identify people that you have impacted. Today’s discussion is about ways to have a greater impact on a larger number of people.

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Posted by Joel Brookman in give of yourself, happiness, podcasts, Podcasts.

#1033 The Key to Solving Your Problems is to Help Others with Theirs

We often allow ourselves to become consumed by challenges. The key to solving your problems is to help others with theirs. As you focus on issues larger than you own, you divert your attention elsewhere. This provides needed perspective. You also get the benefit goodwill received from those you help.

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Posted by Joel Brookman in give of yourself, Perspective, podcasts, Podcasts.

#1006 The Joy of Giving to Others

If you want to make your day better, consider doing something unexpected for someone else. There’s nothing quite like the joy of giving to others. Today we discuss a few ideas on the topic.

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Posted by Joel Brookman in give of yourself, kindness, podcasts, Podcasts.

#1001 Life Lessons From Bill Murray

Bill Murray could be one of the most well-liked people on the planet. If you haven’t seen the documentary on him it’s worth an investment of an hour of your time. Today we discuss how his actions impact others and  how we can all be inspired by life lessons from Bill Murray.

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Posted by Joel Brookman in be kind, Be present, give of yourself, podcasts, Podcasts.

#951 Who Are You to the People Around You

Who are you to the people around you? Are you the person that makes things better or complicates them. If you don’t like your answer, you have the power to do something about it.

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Posted by Joel Brookman in Direct Your Life, give of yourself, Podcasts.
