Latest "feelings" Posts

#899 Base Your Relationship Decisions On How People Make You Feel

Resist the need to overthink your personal relationships. Instead, base your relationship decisions on how people make you feel.

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Posted by Joel Brookman in feelings, feelings are the best gage, Podcasts, Uncategorized.

#601 If It Doesn’t Feel Right It Probably Isn’t Right

Feelings are a great gauge for making a decision. If it doesn’t feel right is probably isn’t right.…

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Posted by Joel Brookman in feelings, feelings are the best gage, Podcasts.

Make the Best of Every Situation

Joel Brookman

I have found that the difference between happy people and miserable people has little to do with what they have, or even how they were raised. It has much more to do with how they react and deal with events that happen around them. Happy people have the ability to make the best of every situation. There are several ways to do this:

  1. Remove judgment—I remember hearing a story of a man with three young children on a train. The children were running around screaming and bothering other passengers. The father was doing nothing. After 10 minutes of the children’s antics, a passenger began to lecture the father on his lack of discipline.

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Posted by Joel Brookman in accept what is, attitude, feelings, feelings are the best gage, happiness, incremental steps toward reaching goals, incremental wins, judgement, Positive Attitude, Positivity, Surrender.

#175 Get Out of Your Head

90SecondNavigator-AlbumArt Spend more time feeling and less time thinking. Get out of your head. Your feelings are the best gage you have.…

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Posted by Joel Brookman in Decisions, Disconnect, feelings, feelings are the best gage, go inside, Podcasts.
