Latest "attitude" Posts

#954 The Benefits of Mental Conditioning

Most people are tuned into the the benefits of physical conditioning. What about the benefits of mental mental conditioning? Today we discuss ways to ensure that you’re caring for your state of mind.

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Posted by Joel Brookman in attitude, happiness, Podcasts, Positivity.

#838 Overcoming the Sunday Evening Blues

Sunday night can be a challenging time for many of us. The thought of Monday morning and going back to work can be overwhelming.  I came across some ideas on overcoming the Sunday evening blues. Hope you find them helpful!

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Posted by Joel Brookman in Adjust your mindset, attitude, happiness, Podcasts, reduce stress.

#725 Dealing With Bad Attitudes in the Workplace

Bad attitudes can create a toxic work environment. It’s important for business leaders to take care of these issues before they get out of control. Today we discuss some ways to handle people with bad attitudes.…

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Posted by Joel Brookman in attitude, Management, managing people, Podcasts.

#698 Staying Positive in Challenging Situations

Life can certainly hit us with difficult circumstances. The question is, how are you at staying positive in challenging situations?…

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Posted by Joel Brookman in attitude, Podcasts, Positivity.

#412 The Danger of Arrogance

90SecondNavigator-AlbumArt The danger of arrogance is the assumption that you know better than everyone else.…

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Posted by Joel Brookman in attitude, control what you can, Ego and Success, Podcasts, Respect People, success.

Enjoy Your Work

Do you enjoy your work or are you the person that counts down the minutes until you can leave and go home each day? Are you waiting for the moment when you can retire? Do you see work as a grind?

The majority of your waking hours are spent at work. If you get no satisfaction out of what you do each day, you need to either reframe your situation, or change what you’re doing. I know this is easy to say and difficult to implement, but it begins with a decision. You can choose to continue with a work life you don’t enjoy or you can begin to explore other options that can help you enjoy your work.…

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Posted by Joel Brookman in attitude, Find your passion, Plan your life.
