Latest "Adjust your mindset" Posts

#1138 Negative Self-Talk Will Inhibit Your Success. Today We Show You How to Rewrite Your Narrative.

We are often our own single biggest obstacle to success. If you tell yourself that you’re not worthy or deserving, you’re creating a tremendous barrier to achievement. Create your own internal narrative so that it aligns with where you want to go. We’ll talk about how to do it.

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Posted by Joel Brookman in Achieve Success, Adjust your mindset, Building Lasting Success, control your thoughts, Habits create success, limiting Beliefs, podcasts, Podcasts, subconscious mind.

#1082 Tolerance for Others During a Pandemic

After months of quarantine and disagreements in the direction of how the Corona Virus is being handled, people are frustrated and angry. The interactions I have with strangers are much different than they were 6 months ago. People are on edge and I’m finding that many have very little tolerance for others during a pandemic. I’ve noticed that I have become much more uptight as a result and it’s really started to bother me.  I vowed to do something about it.…

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Posted by Joel Brookman in Adjust your mindset, kindness, podcasts, Podcasts.

#1055 Stop Worrying About the Perception of Others and Focus on What You Can Control

Think about the energy that goes into ensuring that you look good in the eyes of others. We have very little control over other people but we have tremendous control over our own actions. If you can stop worrying about the perception of others and focus on what you can control, you’re putting your attention on your own output. If you generate the best output you’re capable of, the perception will take care of itself.

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Posted by Joel Brookman in Adjust your mindset, control what you can, podcasts, Podcasts, Take Control of Your Life.

#838 Overcoming the Sunday Evening Blues

Sunday night can be a challenging time for many of us. The thought of Monday morning and going back to work can be overwhelming.  I came across some ideas on overcoming the Sunday evening blues. Hope you find them helpful!

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Posted by Joel Brookman in Adjust your mindset, attitude, happiness, Podcasts, reduce stress.

#735 Opposing Viewpoints

Resist the desire to engage with people who have strong opposing viewpoints to your own.…

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Posted by Joel Brookman in Adjust your mindset, Conflict resolution, Podcasts.

#705 Self-Created Limitations

Most of the barriers we face in life are self-created limitations. You must realize that you have the ability to move beyond these self-imposed ceilings. See yourself where you want to be and maintain your focus on that outcome.…

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Posted by Joel Brookman in Adjust your mindset, Podcasts.
